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Log into WorkdayGo to must log in to view course offerings.
Search for Course SectionWorkday -> Search for “Find Course Sections” -> Academic PeriodLook up course sections by academic periods: full-term, part-of-terms.
Check for HoldsWorkday -> View Profile -> Action Items and HoldsStaff in the Office of the University Registrar are not authorized to remove a Hold placed by another office. Contact the office responsible for the Hold.
Find Your Registration AppointmentWorkday -> Academic Dashboard -> View my Registration AppointmentCheck that you do not have holds preventing you from registering once your appointment starts.
Create an Academic PlanWorkday -> View Profile -> Academics -> Plan -> Create Academic PlanAcademic plan allows you to plan out courses semseter by semester and track remaining degree requirements. You cannot add specfic course sections into academic plan, only broad courses as shown in the bulletin.
Build a Saved ScheduleWorkday -> View Profile -> Academics -> Plan -> Create Saved SchedulePlacing your desired course in a Saved Schedule saves you time when registering. You can add specific course sections and view courses in a calendar view to prevent time overlaps.
Drop a ClassWorkday -> View Profile -> Academics -> My Enrolled Courses -> DropScroll to the right under my enrolled courses table to see the drop button. Make sure to click on “confirm” before OK.
Drop and Add SimultaneouslyWorkday -> View Profile -> Academics -> My Enrolled Courses -> SwapScroll to the right under my enrolled courses table to see the swap button. The course you are wanting to swap into must have open seats for this to work.
Add Class(es) by SearchWorkday -> Search for “Find Course Sections” -> Academic Period -> Course -> RegisterCheck that you meet the eligibility.
View My CoursesWorkday -> Academics Dashboard -> View my coursesYou can view your courses in calendar view. You can also view dropped/waitlisted courses.
Request Pre-requisite Override or Register for POI (permission of instructor) courseWorkday -> Search “Request Course Section Prerequisite Override”This can be submitted before registration opens. If you are already eligibile for the course section, you will not be able to submit a prerequisite override. Pre-requisite overrides are approved by the instructor of the course.
Join a WaitlistYou will be automatically placed in a waitlist when you attempt to register for a course. If there is no waitlist seat available, then you will be notifed with error message.Make sure you have no time conflict and enough credit hours to be autopromoted into a waitlisted course. You will NOT be notified when autopromoted into a waitlisted course, so continue to monitor your enrolled courses.
View Reserved Seating RuleWorkday -> Search for “Find Course Sections” -> Academic Period -> Click on the Course sectionOn the right side of the page, you can see reserved seating rule and how many seats are reserved for a specific group of students.