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Wake Forest does not maintain articulation agreements with any other college or university – all decisions are made by the chair of the department where credit is being requested as to whether a course will transfer upon a student’s acceptance to the university. The department chair has the right to limit the amount of credit awarded, or to stipulate that a higher-level course must be completed here at Wake Forest before a student may receive credit. Important policies and limits apply to the transfer credit approval process.

Please refer to the categories below and select your specific situation.

New Transfer Student

“I graduated high school and have been enrolled at another institution. How will the undergraduate-level courses I completed transfer to Wake Forest University?”

Prior College Coursework

“In high school I either completed Advanced Placement exams, International Baccalaureate exams, or college-level courses through a dual-enrollment program. How will these exams/courses transfer to Wake Forest University?”

Non-WFU Study Away Program

“I am currently enrolled at Wake Forest and working with the Center for Global Program Studies to enroll in an affiliate study abroad/away program.”

Taking Courses Elsewhere

“I am currently enrolled at Wake Forest and would like to take undergraduate-level courses at another institution, or my application for Permissions to Finish Elsewhere was approved. How do I seek approval for undergraduate-level courses to transfer to Wake Forest University?”